Thursday, November 29, 2012

Truth Time!!

Since I intend this blog to be a place to tell the truth from my perspective and in the process hopefully help others. I thought now might be a good time to tell you some random, but absolute truths about myself.  So, in no particular order…here it goes.

1.       I love Starbucks.

2.       I have a lip gloss addiction.

3.       My favorite part of my life is being an aunt to Lane, Lilly, and Lucas.

4.       I dream of living abroad someday.

5.       I’m proud Baylor University alum.

6.       I’d love to have my own OPI nail polish collection someday (I already have some of the names picked out, Sic em Green & Gold, anyone?)

7.       No matter where I go or what I do, I’ll always be a small town girl.

8.       I love Manchester United!

·         I watch Real Madrid matches, keep an eye on this blog and I’m sure you’ll discover the one and only reason why.

9.       I want to adopt someday.

10.   If I lived in Britain I’d be a Monarchist (I love them and I want Kate’s hair).

11.   I can’t brush my teeth without the water running (I feel guilty about this).

12.   Summer is my season, though I like the idea of fall and winter best.

13.   I would eat Hummus everyday if it were allowed.

14.   I love and follow fashion though I’m not sure I really have a knack for it.

15.   I have a sweet tooth that always seems to get the better or me.

16.   I read 50 Shades of Grey and I liked it.

17.   I love, have studied extensively, and have worked in politics.

18.   The only boy I’ve ever loved and love still is gay.  Therefore, I hope he’s not the only boy I will ever love. The thought of this makes me sad.  (He’s also kind of mean, but really pretty).

19.   I want to learn more about wine & cooking.

20.   I want to vacation in Portugal.

21.   I’m a coffee, tea, and soda drinker (I know better, of course).

22.   I love music.

23.   I’m a child of divorce and someone’s big sister.

24.   I’m seen The Fast & The Furious more times than any girl should ever admit too.

25.   I DO NOT have a head for numbers!

26.   I make fantastic Chicken Mozzarella pasta.

27.   I love the New York Yankees!

28.   I like to entertain, but my apt is too small.

29.   I often wonder if I could make it in NYC.

30.   I’ve never been to Las Vegas.

31.   I love gangster movies.

32.   I like peach or lavender lemonade in the summers.

33.   I’m a sucker for an accent. (Current crush has one.  Probably gay, but not mean and also really pretty).

34.   I believe that Jesus loves me and you too!

35.   I believe that everyone has a story to tell that someone needs to hear….I hope this blog helps me tell mine.

·         Note that nowhere in all of these truths did I say, I have Cerebral Palsy, am in a wheelchair, haven’t finished my Master’s degree and am currently unemployed.  All of these things are also true, and may well be the most obvious things about me, but they do not speak to my personal truth.  I’ll safely venture to say there are at least 35 other, more important things to know about me.  People are so much more than what you see at first glance---This is the biggest truth of all!!!


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