Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday Favorite: Don't mess with OPI

Green is my favorite color, Christmas my favorite holiday, and nail polish is one of my favorite things.  Sometimes, something as simple as a new nail polish can change your whole mood.

I love this color! I'm worn it twice already, once for St. Patrick's Day (my 2nd favorite holiday) and then again for Baylor homecoming in November. I'm sure it'll make an appearance for christmas too.

I'm kind of obsessed with nail polishes! I don't kave a huge collection, but I do have bi weekly appointments and I studt uo on the colors and trends. (I love the names) So, the fact that a shade gets worn more than once means its kind of awesome!

Don't mess with OPI will definitely make it into my collection. So find some colors you love, and remember to rock them while you're glossy and on the go!

Today's Lip: Sephora's The Red

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday Truths: UN Treaty on the Rights of the Disabled

Today's post was supposed to be about my experience with my beautiful chocolate lab service dog in training, but in the proxies something much more angry making happened.  This blog is angry.  Hopefully, the angriest I ever have to be here. On Tuesday, the US Congress was presented with an opportunityto ratify the UN treaty on the Rights of Disabled Persons, a treaty based on existing US law and unenforceable in any court.  A symbolic gesture that says, The United States of America believes that persons with disabilities are entitled to basic human rights, Only...We DON'T!!! Congress voted not to ratify the treaty.  Did I mention its based on US law and not enforceable?  Despite these facts, those who voted against it said they feared for US sovereignty.

Please, don't misunderstand, I love my country.  I come from a family of service members, both my grandfathers were veterans and my cousin was even Naval sailor of the year.  I'm fully aware of the fact that I wouldn't have the same quality of life in most other places on the planet, but really?  Failing to ratify a symbolic treaty just because it has UN in the title? I'm going to borrow a line from my Brit friends here and say...bollocks!

Understand, I have roughly $100,000 dollars worth of Political Science education.  I've heard this fear of a one world government stuff before.  I don't pretend to understand it, but I've heard it.  To use this as an excuse not to stand up for the basic human rights, not civic or legal protections, but human rights of 54 million of your own citizens, 1 in 5 Americans is well...bullshit!

I'm an American and more times than not I'm proud of this.  I've had access to a world class education and quality health care. In my life exists a level of inclusion and participation that does not exist for disabled persons in may places.  That said, I do still struggle, with employment as well as accessible and affordable housing and transportation.  All of these things could be addressed through legislation.  Yet, my government has decided I'm not entitled to basic human know? The ones given to me from my creator....Thanks guys, love you too!

Normally, I'm not the type of person to go around screaming about laws and rights. Normally, I live my life overcoming obstacles as I encounter them.  I participate in and encourage people to participate in our system of government.  The fact that my own government can't make a symbolic gesture on my behalf as I continue to struggle to be a productive and contributing citizen makes me angry and sad...So I decided to say so.

It should be noted that every person who voted against ratifying the treaty was a member of the GOP.  I don't say this to be partisan, simply as fact.  They voted against the rights of people who most probably voted for them....because of a headquarters being in Geneva?  Not all of them did of course, kudos to John McCain, but the fact that everyone who did is from the same party speaks volumes and will not be forgotten on my next trip to the ballot box. Most pitiful of all , Bob Dole was there, decorated WWII veteran, esteemed US senator and one time Presidential candidate and leader of the GOP, in a wheelchair to support ratification.  The person who took over his seat voted no...right in front of him...I hope he feels shame!

Wed. Wisdom

"Don't judge a book by its cover"

This is essentially what I intend this blog to be.  A book with a very plain cover can end up being the best book you've ever read. (Classic Brit lit, anyone?)  This is true of people as well.  You may see the different, the wheelchair or the walker and think that this  person can't possibly be interesting or...gasp...have anything in common with you.  You, are missing so much my friend.  While I do know some people with disabilities who use it as a crutch, as an excuse to be cold or unengaged.  Most, are the polar opposite and desire nothing more than a fully experienced and engaged life. Full of the same hopes, dreams, desires and yes, problems and fears of everyone else.

I'm blessed to have grown up in a generation where people with disabilities weren't hidden away in the background.  I went to public schools, restaruants, vacations, and away from home to college.  Anyone who saw me saw the walker or the wheelchair too....Guess what? Most everyone learns to deal!  I have no idea what my life would be like if I weren't disabled, its all I've ever known, but I do know that at various points in my life I've come across amazing people who've accepted me as a person from the first instant.  I feel beyond blessed for these people and the level of inclusion they've allowed me to feel in my life.

People are people. So don't be afraid to say hello.  You may just find your new lipgloss, ready to wear, sports loving new best friend.

Today's Lip: Maybelline's Born with it.

Tuesday Takeaway

I plan on using the Tuesday blog spot for guest bloggers.  I want it to be a spot where the people in my life can share about their experiences. Not that having me in your life is so overwhelmingly amazing (Come on, you know it is!), but perhaps you’ve learned thought about, or experienced something through our relationship (what have you taken away?) that deserves to be shared…this is the place.
I’d love for my friends and family to share about the impact my disability has had or not had on their lives.  All truth, no edits from me.  I know their stories will impact someone and help me tell the truth I’d like to tell from another perspective. Some people I’ve asked have already said yes and I’m so excited to see what they have to say! One person I’d love to write, because I think our friendship gets to the heart of what I’m trying to say would never in a million years.(I’ll keep working on him, I’ve been told I’m charming)  I hope their stories help others as they encounter other glossy and on the go people like me.  Watch this space.

Today's Lip: Lancome's Juicy tubes Sunkissed Bronze

Monday Musings

My random thoughts on random things for this week.

Texas weather is crazy!

Christmas makes me both extremely happy and recently a bit melancholy as well.

Smoking is disgusting and ultimately selfish too.

Cancer is a bitch! It separates loved ones far too soon.

American football is boring…simples

Make sure you have at least one friend who is your friend even though, no one, yourself included, understands why.

If a trip to Starbucks can’t make you feel better about it….it could be a real problem!

People are funny…mostly in that are you serious kind of way!

Dear “K” family, American kids have enough trouble spelling. Spelling everything with a “K” is not helping.

Believe in something…anything…that’s bigger, more important, and longer lasting then yourself.

Today’s Lip: Maybelline Berry slippery with MAC Viva Glam V.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday Favorites:Salon David

Remember what I said about people being more than what you first think or see.  Well, today is about explaining that just a bit more.  You may think as a young woman with a physical disability in a wheelchair that I’m plain, sickly, unkempt, and boring.  Trust me when I tell you that though I might not be a great beauty I’m none of these things.  I’m very girly and I love beauty and fashion.  Recently, I discovered, though I’m sure it’s not a surprise to some people, that I’m much higher maintenance than I’d like.
In an effort to dispel misconceptions I’m going to tell you about one of my favorite places…Salon David Escape Spa! Yep, you read right, my salon is one of my favorite places.  I’m sure that sounds vain, but the simple truth is it’s not. I’m a girl like any other girl.  Which means, and I’m not trying to stereotype here, I like to feel pretty and I think sometimes I deserve to feel that way!

So let me tell you some of the reasons…let's say 10…why I love it there.

v  It’s a cell phone free zone! That means for the hour…or four that you’re in there no one can get to you. Not your job, husband, wife, kids, bill collectors, no body!

v  Its full service! Hair, nails, skin, massage all in one place. Come in one person leave a more relaxed new one.

v  They’re friendly! I’ve been going there the better part of six years and never once as anyone been rude, snide, or condescending. Something that, in my experience can’t be said for all places. In fact, they only times I haven’t gone were when there were literally no excess room in the budget. I much prefer to just wait, When there was I came straight back!

v  They’re experienced and professional!  If something isn’t going to look right they will tell you. Not once have I seen anyone walk out of there looking a fool.  In fact, I’m always left feeling more refreshed and confident than when I entered.

v  They’re adventurous!  You want zebra print nails or blue extensions? They’re up for that.  More polished or refined….they do that too!

v  They know their clients! No clue what color you want for your nails or what color highlights will look best?  They know you so they’ll point you in the right direction…no pressure. First visit? No worries. That’s what the consultation is for.

v  The coffee is awesome!  I don’t know what it is about that machine, but it must be magic. Go and have George make you a…on second thought…nope…I’m keeping that delicious secret to myself. Prefer wine? They have that too.

v  They specialize and believe in teamwork! From what I can tell, everyone there is really expert at something!  They all can do just about everything, but say what you want on a visit isn’t the particular strong point of your stylist or tech, They’re more than willing to put you in the hands of the person who excels at that…No one walks out looking a fool!

v  It’s got great atmosphere! When I first started going there it had a very Zen like feeling. Now, I think it has a bit of a rock & roll feels to it. Though, I’m not sure if that’s David’s intention. Either way you feel really cocooned in this place removed from all the hassle, and stress outside.

v  It’s totally reasonable!  Have you priced out beauty services lately? Geez! For the atmosphere and quality of service it’s beyond worth it.

Finding a salon is like anything else.  It’s about finding a place where you feel welcome and comfortable, where you enjoy the experience and the people. I wouldn’t trust my hair or my face to any place else.  In fact, anytime in the last 6 yrs I’ve tried…all sorts of wrong.

Call Jennifer today and feel your beautiful, relaxed, de stressed, confident, best for the holidays! Guys, they’ve got gift certificates and spa packages for the ladies in your lives.  Better yet, ladies they have them for the guys in yours!

Today’s lip: Ester Lauder Tiger Eye with Chanel Unity lipgloss over top.











Thursday, November 29, 2012

Truth Time!!

Since I intend this blog to be a place to tell the truth from my perspective and in the process hopefully help others. I thought now might be a good time to tell you some random, but absolute truths about myself.  So, in no particular order…here it goes.

1.       I love Starbucks.

2.       I have a lip gloss addiction.

3.       My favorite part of my life is being an aunt to Lane, Lilly, and Lucas.

4.       I dream of living abroad someday.

5.       I’m proud Baylor University alum.

6.       I’d love to have my own OPI nail polish collection someday (I already have some of the names picked out, Sic em Green & Gold, anyone?)

7.       No matter where I go or what I do, I’ll always be a small town girl.

8.       I love Manchester United!

·         I watch Real Madrid matches, keep an eye on this blog and I’m sure you’ll discover the one and only reason why.

9.       I want to adopt someday.

10.   If I lived in Britain I’d be a Monarchist (I love them and I want Kate’s hair).

11.   I can’t brush my teeth without the water running (I feel guilty about this).

12.   Summer is my season, though I like the idea of fall and winter best.

13.   I would eat Hummus everyday if it were allowed.

14.   I love and follow fashion though I’m not sure I really have a knack for it.

15.   I have a sweet tooth that always seems to get the better or me.

16.   I read 50 Shades of Grey and I liked it.

17.   I love, have studied extensively, and have worked in politics.

18.   The only boy I’ve ever loved and love still is gay.  Therefore, I hope he’s not the only boy I will ever love. The thought of this makes me sad.  (He’s also kind of mean, but really pretty).

19.   I want to learn more about wine & cooking.

20.   I want to vacation in Portugal.

21.   I’m a coffee, tea, and soda drinker (I know better, of course).

22.   I love music.

23.   I’m a child of divorce and someone’s big sister.

24.   I’m seen The Fast & The Furious more times than any girl should ever admit too.

25.   I DO NOT have a head for numbers!

26.   I make fantastic Chicken Mozzarella pasta.

27.   I love the New York Yankees!

28.   I like to entertain, but my apt is too small.

29.   I often wonder if I could make it in NYC.

30.   I’ve never been to Las Vegas.

31.   I love gangster movies.

32.   I like peach or lavender lemonade in the summers.

33.   I’m a sucker for an accent. (Current crush has one.  Probably gay, but not mean and also really pretty).

34.   I believe that Jesus loves me and you too!

35.   I believe that everyone has a story to tell that someone needs to hear….I hope this blog helps me tell mine.

·         Note that nowhere in all of these truths did I say, I have Cerebral Palsy, am in a wheelchair, haven’t finished my Master’s degree and am currently unemployed.  All of these things are also true, and may well be the most obvious things about me, but they do not speak to my personal truth.  I’ll safely venture to say there are at least 35 other, more important things to know about me.  People are so much more than what you see at first glance---This is the biggest truth of all!!!


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bus Stop Manners!

Yesterday evening at the bus stop an older lady asked me, “Should we go ahead of you on the bus?”  As in she actually asked me.

Words out of my mouth: “Sure, go ahead. He seems to be letting everyone else on first.”

Thought in my head:  “Why yes. Please. Absolutely! It’s always so polite when people step in front of the girl in the wheelchair just to get on the bus first.” (Insert heavy sarcasm)

Real Truth: It is NEVER okay to step in front of a disabled person just to get on the bus first. Especially when you are “able bodied”.  In fact, its rude, self absorbed and just plain tacky, the kind of thing Karma tends to pay people back for.

Truth in Law: if you are a disabled person using public transit the ADA states that you are allowed to i.e. suppose to go first. J  Just please don’t be rude about it yourself. No one likes a bitchy, chip on their shoulder person!
Today's lip: Clinque's Sweet Honey with Calvin Klein's Tender layered over top.

Monday, November 26, 2012

On JR Ewing & Memories

Over the weekend, we all learnt of the passing of iconic actor Larry Hagman, better know to all as JR Ewing.  Before I thought of his family or the aliments he fought in recent years, before I even thought, "I wonder how many people know he was in I dream of Jeanie." I immediately thought of my own grandma and Fridays watching "Dallas" at her house.

You see, at that point in my childhood my grandparent's house was a respite from the tense environment created from my parent's again failing marriage (it failed twice).  My grandpa would pick me up from school on Fridays and I didn't have to go back until Sunday after dinner.  My grandma would come home from work and make the most awesome and grandma like dinner and then we would watch "Dallas".  It was what we did and if ratings are to be believed it was what most people did.  As a kid, I remember I liked Bobby best, he was the nice one.  Of course, now that I'm grown I understand the appeal of JR so much more.  I wonder why I can't like the nice boys now?  Funnily enough, I don't remember my grandma ever saying which one she liked best, but I can guess.  Once the show was over, I would go to sleep in a house that somehow felt warmer and safer and which was most definitely calmer, certain to wake up to the most awesome Saturday breakfasts ever!  We're talking cheese in the scrambled eggs good!

The immediateness of this memory got me thinking about memories and what triggers them. Admittedly this one was a bit random, but having lost a handful of loved ones over recent years I'm beginning to thing that is how memories, especially of loved ones work.  Its a song, a smell, a certain food or quote, a holiday, or the random moment when something hits a bit too hard and you wish you could talk to that particular loved one about it.  Often times, these memories take your equilibrium for a bit.  For me personally though, I am grateful for them.

So, Mr Hagman, I wish you peace and rest. A generation thanks you for the drama and I thank you for the reminder of peace in the midst of the storm .

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Remember what I said about the absurd

I endeavor for this blog to tell the truth....for now its just my truth, but I hope it brings light to some things.  Today's post will not.

Remember, when I said my life was sprinkled with the absurd?  Case in point, yesterday I'm waiting at the bus stop to go home and a bird poops right on me....yep, splat right on my jeans.  There's nothing but absurdity to this.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

New Adventures

So, Its time again for yet another change in my life.  I've been thinking about doing this blog for some time now.  I find myself with so spare time now so I thought why not.  I'm not quite sure what its going to be just yet, except that it is going to be about my life.  The things I love and the things I don't.  Its going to be be funny and sad and since its my life, I'm sure it'll have good measure of the ironic and absurd!

I hope that its honest and serves to tell my unique truth.  I hope it brings somethings to light and makes you laugh.  Mostly I hope that at some point something will touch your heart.